You’ve recently been diagnosed, and want to support yourself fully to heal from CANcer?

 Here’s how Astrid Mueller can help:

private CANcer Coaching

From her own journey of healing from breast cancer - stage 4 - Astrid has supertools that she’s passionate to share with others.

They are those

tools that doctors don’t give you, but are essential for full wellness.

We are whole persons, not just bodies:

Full healing requires also healing our EMOTIONS, our MIND, and striving for full HAPPINESS. Especially during intense healing times, happiness is paramount: It sustains our life-force, allows us to generate feelings that allow flow of hormones and gene activations which sparkle up wellness.

Astrid is a wellness guide. And so much more:

In her 1:1 CANcer coaching, she helps you to:

  • Hear your innate wellness wisdom
  • See truth in what serves you and what does not
  • Find your best answers to your most burning questions, and what to do about them,
  • Find inner peace, no matter what’s going on
  • Boost your immune system, literally sparkling it UP!
  • Clarify and implement your personal path to wellness.

In her calls you will:

  • Replenish your joy levels to activate your inner sparkle.
  • Find and build your mindset. One that makes you feel empowered and contributes to your health.
  • Let joy overtake and boost your ways of thinking - so that you can overcome all your challenges, with peace of mind.

Astrid demonstrates inner peace. And she wants that for you too. She wants you to THRIVE. Just like she does.

What others say:

"I had a private session with Astrid recently. Our time together was very powerful. Her intuitive, uplifting manner helped me focus on some core areas for healing. Astrid prepared an intuitive drawing, and we had fun interpreting its implications - a reminder of what’s important and what I might do to reframe and up-level my consciousness at this juncture. I have this drawing as a reminder of what it revealed and what I am doing right now to support myself on my healing journey. I highly recommend booking some quality, private time with Astrid. She is a gift to us all!" - Nancy Frampton, California

"My attitude totally shifted & I got OUT of my FUNK…thanks to your superpower sparkle powers.  I’m joining you on the road to JOY!! I’m ready to sparkle and FIGHT THISπŸ₯Š. I want you to know that you spearheaded my transition to shifting my mindset. Thank you!! You are an awesome & amazing woman and I admire you so much!!πŸ’«" - Annie Ryan, Rancho Palos Verdes, California

Are you able to sit with the possibility of allowing SPARKLE to transform your life?

Book your first session,
which will be deducted if you decide to fully hire Astrid
for the full program.